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Brave Enough to be Enough

If God created you, He created you perfectly. And if God has a plan and a purpose for your life, He created you perfectly for that purpose. By trying to be anything other than your authentic self, you are denying the chance to be who God created you to be and to do the things that He created you to do.

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Perfectly Imperfect

You were born to be real, not to be perfect. I need to vent on this one for a minute. As a human, you only get one life. ONE. I've spent the better half of my past 23 years trying to figure out who I am but at the same time trying to please everyone else, therefore not living my authentic life and my truth. I know who I am. I love who I am. Yeah, I have insecurities but I'm not ashamed anymore. About anything. You can't live your only life in fear of what others might think. Fuck that. Trust yourself enough to create yourself. You can't do that if you don't live for yourself and if you aren't honest to...

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I Curate My Own Demise

This is what it was like to hate my body: the anxiety manifests as a physical burn on my skin. The build up feels like a shock between too hot and too cold. It starts in my shoulders and makes me want to break out of my own skin. Every moment served as a rebellion or a self loathing. The hatred I feel towards my stomach, face, and thighs was so intense that sometimes I look in the mirror and didn’t even know that it is me. I used to spend hours in the gym and would still feel like it was never enough to become lovable. I shut out friends, family, and relationships until it was just me and...

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Book Two - Letting Go

I feel a significant life shift coming. It will be the start of a new book in my life. Book One has been about trauma, loss, pain, suffering, depression, anxiety, fear, etc. There were certainly many good things that happened during this part of my life, but the overall theme was loss and pain.

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The Comparison Game

I’m in my 30's and I avoid social media as much as possible. You see, like many people, I have a major problem comparing myself to others. Most of my life I’ve felt that I was behind my peers….academically, socially, financially, etc. I also have depression and anxiety, which is greatly affected by social media. When I see photos on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter of people smiling, having a great time doing things and traveling, and looking happy, I wonder why that isn’t me. What am I doing wrong? Why don’t I have friends like that? What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just let go and have fun? How do I find that type of happiness? Why is their...

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